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Nearpod is great tool for formative assessments in the classroom. You can save any PowerPoint file as a pdf, and insert polls, multiple choice questions, short answer, and free drawing responses. You can even save your nearpod lessons for homework, and have students work your class lesson at home. Student answers and responses are tracked live on your computer or device, which allows you to see immediate feedback on how your students are performing on a particular subject or topic. The teacher can even share, privately, each student’s written response or drawing. This feature will allow students to other answers or work without fear of being wrong, and the teacher can give feedback to the class without embarrassing a student. Also, students can check privately if they got a quesiton right or wrong. 


Nearpod will work on any device that has an internet connection, and you can give your nearpod lessons in a computer lab or with a mobile device cart. Students can also use their own devices, which will be great for BYOT in you classroom. A pdf file with student responses and performance will be sent to your email at the end of your lesson. 

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