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Curriculum Content Through Digital Resources

Newsstand App

eBook Textbooks

Online News

The Newsstand on Apple IOS is a great resource for digital magazines which are connect with curriculum based content in the classroom. 

The iBook Textbook store is a great resource for interactive digital textbooks. There are a wide variety of digital textbooks which go above and beyond the capabilities of printed textbooks. 

There are dozens of online news websites that provide current event and curriculum based content for free. They are a great resource, and will allow your students to make real world connections to the content being taught in the classroom. 

How It Works magazine focuses on all of the different areas of science. Each magazine contains dozens of articles which can be linked to your curriculum. If your device is connected to the projector or TV, students can interact and participate in the material covered in the digital magazine.

Popular Science magazine focuses on current events in the scientific world. Students will enjoy the interesting graphics and exciting breakthroughs in the scientific community.

All About History discusses a wide variety of historical events, and integrates charts, graphs, and engaging graphics. Each magazine has the potential to connect directly with what is being taught or discussed in your social studies classroom. 

World History iBook textbook covers world history with interactive self assessments, videos, and charts. It contains curriculum content that  links to standards covered in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and World History classes taught in Georgia. 

World Geography iBook textbook covers the geography standards for 6th & 7th grade Social Studies. The Geography ibook includes videos, interactive graphics, and self assessments.  

USA Today is great news source for connecting current events to the curriculum covered in your classroom. Also, USA Today's A Day in Pictures focuses on interesting pictures from around the world. These photos include the most current political or social issues. A Day in Pictures is a great way to engage students and promote curiosity and critical thinking.


E. O. Wilson's Life on Earth is a free collection of Biology textbooks, which are loaded with interactive material, charts, images, and self assessment questions. This is a wonderful resource for students and teachers with an iOS device.

This is a great website for showing students current events from around the world. Each picture contains websites for further research and enrichment. This is a great website for Social Studies and Language Arts teachers. 

Newsela is a great resource for current events in the classroom. Each article has the capability of raising or lowering the lexil level, which helps a teacher differentiate the reading level for each student in his or her classroom. Also, the teacher has the capability of creating a free classroom, which will allow the teacher to assign specific articles to each student.








Online Resources 

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