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Explain Everything

Explain Everything is an amazing tool for creating lessons live, before, during or after class. If you have the ability to mirror your iPad screen on your projector, you can easily provide instruction while everything you do is being recorded on your iPad screen. You have the ability to use the camera feature on your iPad, and can switch between the front and rear camera to show students specific things that are going on in your lesson. A great way to use this tool would be to record a lesson like this in one class period per day, and then you can create a library of tutorial videos for students to go back and re-learn or catch-up if they were absent from a specific class. This app, combined with the ability to mirror on your board, will completely engage the students and enrich their understanding of the content that is being taught in your classroom. Also, if you do this everyday, you would have the option to "flip your classroom" the following year. 

Explain Everything Example

This is an example of an Explain Everything screencast on a 6th grade social studies standard. I found a blank European map online, and saved the image to my photos app on the iPad. I then added the photo in Explain Everything by clicking the plus sign import function. When I completed the screencast I sent my video straight to my YouTube account, and then used the URL link to embed the video on my website below. 


Explain Everything Tutorials

by: MorrisCooke 

Using Explain Everything

Mirroring Explain Everything

Recording a website

Recording a screencast with a video

Share your videocast

In-App help and guides

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